Scamming people via Ethereum smart contracts

Posted on by Tijme Gommers.

[TL;DR] Using a ‘feature’ in the Solidity programming language it is possible to create smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain that look completely legit; however, everyone that sends money to the contract can never get it back due to that ‘feature’.

Alright, lets dive right into it. The code snippet below is an Ethereum smart contract written in Solidity. If you do not understand any of those terms, click on the links to get more information.

Before you try to work out how the contract works, let me tell you it’s a scam contract that contains a Solidity ‘feature’ that causes unexpected behaviour. Below the code snippet you can find an extensive explanation of the contract. The actual contract can be found on Etherscan.

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract NumberBetweenZeroAndTen {

    uint256 private secretNumber;
    uint256 public lastPlayed;
    address public owner;
    struct Player {
        address addr;
        uint256 ethr;
    Player[] players;
    constructor() public {
        // On construct set the owner and a random secret number
        owner = msg.sender;
    function guess(uint256 number) public payable {
        // Guessing costs a minimum of 1 ether 
        require(msg.value >= 1 ether);
        // Guess must be between zero and ten
        require(number >= 0 && number <= 10);
        // Update the last played date
        lastPlayed = now;
        // Add player to the players list
        Player player;
        player.addr = msg.sender;
        player.ethr = msg.value;
        // Payout if guess is correct
        if (number == secretNumber) {
        // Refresh the secret number
    function shuffle() internal {
        // Randomly set secretNumber with a value between 1 and 10
        secretNumber = uint8(sha3(now, block.blockhash(block.number-1))) % 10 + 1;

    function kill() public {
        // Enable owner to kill the contract after 24 hours of inactivity
        if (msg.sender == owner && now > lastPlayed + 24 hours) {


I’ll first explain how one would expect the contract to work.

  1. Someone constructs the contract.
    1. The variable owner is set to the sender’s address.
    2. The method shuffle is called.
      1. The shuffle method sets secretNumber to a random number from 0 to 10.
  2. A l33t h4x0r finds the smart contract by syncing the chain or by searching Etherscan.
    1. He finds out that you can win money if you know secretNumber.
    2. There’s a pretty high chance he guesses the number right after a few times, but instead he decides to do something else.
    3. Although the secretNumber is a private variable, he knows you can get it by reading the contract’s storage.
    4. So he reads the storage and finds out the secretNumber is 6. Bingo!
    5. He calls the play method with 6 as number argument (and with 1.2 ether) and expects to get the ether from the contract.

Please note the payable keyword from the play method. It enables people to send ether to the method, which will then automatically be stored in the contract.

The big question is; did the l33t h4x0r outplay the contract’s creator/owner?

The scam

Well, that ‘someone’ that constructed the contract wasn’t just someone. It was a scammer who used a ‘feature’ from Solidity to mislead everyone who played the game. There are at least three ways why people fall for this.

  1. One can keep calling the play method and bet on it that he eventually wins.
  2. One knows that the secretNumber is not really random, since it’s made up of the date and the previous block hash.
    1. The person calculates the secretNumber by getting the variables it was made up of.
    2. The person calls the play method using that number.
  3. One knows how to read the contract’s storage.
    1. The person reads the location of the secretNumber from the storage.
    2. The person calls the play method using the number on that location.

Unfortunately none of these methods work.

The ‘feature’

The scammer paid very much attention to the Solidity documentation.

The local variables of struct, array or mapping type reference storage by default. This means they are stored in the contract’s storage.

The Solidity documentation also states that;

The type of the local variable player is Player (stored in storage), but since storage is not dynamically allocated, it has to be assigned from a state variable before it can be used. So no space in storage will be allocated for player, but instead it functions only as an alias for a pre-existing variable in storage.

What will happen is that the compiler interprets player as a storage pointer and will make it point to the storage slot 0 by default. This has the effect that secretNumber (which resides at storage slot 0) is modified by players.push(player).

Please note that I modified the variable names in the quotes above to match the contract.

So to elaborate on this a little bit more. Player player; points to storage slot 0 because it’s an uninitialized storage variable. The uint256 private secretNumber; also points to storage slot 0 because it’s the first variable that is declared in the contract (and it’s also set on construct). This means whenever you change something in player, you will change the secretNumber.

In this case player.addr = msg.sender; is executed right after the Player player; line. This means storage slot 0 gets set to msg.sender. This leads to the fact that whenever you get secretNumber from the storage after that line of code was executed, it will give you the value of msg.sender.

But wait, there’s more

Why don’t we just call the play method with msg.sender as number argument.

In theory this could work. But keep in mind that the play function requires the number to be 10 or lower.

require(number >= 0 && number <= 10);

This means that when your address (msg.sender) is 10 or lower you can win the ether in this contract.

In reality the chance is very very very little that your address is 10 or lower, and therefore you can (almost) never win ether from this contract.

Where does the ether go?

There is a nice kill method that enables the contract’s creator to destruct the contract whenever the last played date is 24 hours ago. The self destruct sends all the money in the contract back to the owner of the contract (the attacker).